

欢迎来到我们的 Luftballon 管乐、打击乐和 sfx 库! Luftballon 是一系列经典的乳胶橡胶气球充气、砰砰声、嘶嘶声、喘息声、扭曲声、尖叫声、拉动声、放气声、放屁声、尖叫声、刮擦声、砰砰声、砰砰声、敲击声、啪嗒声和其他打击、持续和音调元素。等分“风”,音效和打击乐库,这个库充满了创意潜力。这个系列是在大约 10000 个派对气球的帮助下创建的,用氦气吹成各种不同的形状和大小。我们用大振膜话筒在宽广的 X-Y 立体声场中近距离录制每一个,以捕捉特别激进和动态的声音。

对于 Luftballon 2.0,我们添加了新的 FX 清晰度并从源内容创建了全新的氛围。我们还重新制作了样本,使用我们的模块化模板添加了可用性功能,并创建了 20 个新的自定义 FX 预设,为您的下一部电影/视频游戏配乐、配乐或音乐创作提供即时灵感。

Kontakt 界面包括一套自动化就绪的声音整形控件,为您提供全面的创作灵活性。您可以控制膨胀、起音、释放、偏移、颤音、过滤器、音高(粗和细)、清晰度切换、交叉淡入淡出和分层等等。我们还包括 20 个独特的声音设计自定义 FX 预设,为您提供许多创意选项。

该库带有自适应 LFO 系统,具有可选择的 LFO 形状、调制目标参数、速度、强度、速度同步和淡入时间。您还可以应用您选择的 12 个低通、高通和 FX 滤波器,以及可分配的调制目标,例如力度、调制轮、表情、触后、键位置和步进音序器表控制。我们可定制的琶音器提供速度表和对 arp 方向、时间、摆动、随机化和持续时间的控制。我们包含了一个键和音阶锁定系统,可将您的音符限制在常见的音阶和键上,以便轻松进行旋律创作和现场表演。

该接口由我们的模块化 FX 机架面板完善,带有 18 个不同的 DSP 效果模块,您可以按您希望的任何顺序分配到 10 个可用插槽中的任何一个。您会发现经典的移相器、镶边、延迟、失真、放大器和驾驶室模拟器、压缩器、均衡器、旋转器等等。混响效果包括我们最喜欢的卷积混响脉冲响应,包括 99 个不同的房间、大厅、房间和室外环境,以及另外 40 个自定义 FX 脉冲,以从根本上改变声音并开辟全新的音乐世界。我们添加了大量 FX 机架链工厂预设来帮助您入门!

– 一个开放式 Kontakt 格式的主 NKI 乐器库
– 气球卡扣、砰砰声、扭曲、弯曲、翻转、弹跳、摩擦、SFX
– 从源内容创建的 20 个氛围补丁
– 24 位/48 kHz 未压缩 PCM wav 样本
– 20 个自定义声音设计的 FX 和环境预设
– 428 个立体声 WAV 文件
– 已安装 609 MB
– 灵活直观的多层用户界面控件,带有 LFO、滤波器、滑音和琶音器
– 带有卷积混响的完整 FX 机架,带有自定义房间、大厅、房间和 FX 环境


该库专为 Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5.2 或更高版本的完整零售版而设计!


Welcome to our Luftballon wind, percussion and sfx library! Luftballon is a collection of classic latex rubber balloon inflation, pops, hisses, wheezes, twists, squeals, pulls, deflation flubbers, farts, screeches, scrapes, thuds, thumps, taps, snaps and other percussion, sustaining and tonal elements. Equal parts “wind”, sound effect and percussion library, this library is filled to bursting with creative potential. This collection was created with the help of somewhere around 100 hundred party balloons, blown up with helium into all sorts of different shapes and sizes. We recorded each one with large diaphragm mics placed at close proximity in a wide X-Y stereo field to capture an especially aggressive and dynamic sound.

For Luftballon 2.0, we added new FX articulations and created brand new ambiences from the source content. We also remastered the samples, added usability features with our modular template, and created 20 new custom FX presets to give you instant inspiration for your next film/video game score, soundtrack or music composition.

The Kontakt interface includes a suite of automation-ready sound-shaping controls to give you total creative flexibility. You have control over swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more. We’ve also included 20 unique sound-designed custom FX presets to give you lots of creative options.

This library comes with an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 12 lowpass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. Our customizable arpeggiator offers a velocity table and control over arp direction, timing, swing, randomization and duration. We’ve included a key and scale lock system to constrain your notes to common scales and keys for easy melodic composition and live performance.

The interface is rounded-out by our modular FX rack panel, with 18 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 10 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes our favorite convolution reverb impulse responses, including 99 different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, plus another 40 custom FX impulses to radically transform the sound and open up whole new worlds of musical possibility. We’ve added a great bank of FX rack chain factory presets to get you started!

Product Specs:
– One master NKI instrument bank in open Kontakt format
– Balloon snaps, pops, twists, bends, flops, bounces, rubs, SFX
– 20 Ambience patches created from the source content
– 24 bit / 48 kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
– 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
– 428 Stereo WAV files
– 609 MB installed
– Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator
– Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments

This library is designed for the FULL retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5.2 or later!
