%title插图%numP2P | 2 December 2021 | 30.58 GB

GALACTIC 日本模拟合成套件
• 4 种乐器探索日本标志性绰号的声音
• 800 多个预设提供真实硬件的真实模拟声音

合成器世界中最具标志性的名字之一获得了 UVI 处理!这些乐器无需介绍,模拟时代鼎盛时期的母鸡合成器在拍卖会上的售价高达 15,000 美元以上。我们从这个系列中提取了 4 种我们最喜欢的乐器,对它们进行了维修,并深入研究了声音设计 – 创建了 827 个新补丁的大量集合,将这些合成器的所有模拟魔力以始终如一的品质融入您的 DAW已经开始期待 UVI。

使用 JP Legacy,您可以前所未有地访问这些乐器的实际硬件声音,这里没有模拟。每个声音都经过多次深度多重采样,让您只需按一下按钮即可访问硬件统一和合奏等功能。 JP Legacy 丰富而真实的声音充满了老式硬件的温暖,代表了数百小时的专业制作声音,总共 827 个预设,建立在 80,000 多个样本上,通过易于使用的软件提供专业的硬件结果。
JP Legacy 中的所有声音都是完全可编辑的,并整齐地包裹在受硬件启发的界面中,让您在调整和演奏时感受合成器的真实感受。包含的预设涵盖了所有类型和风格,包括大量的面包和黄油补丁、复古经典和现代主食。快速浏览类别、试听预设,然后编辑、分层甚至完全转换声音以满足您的需求,所有这些都具有真实模拟电路的真正温暖、特性和勇气。


名字下的第一个和品牌下的第一个独立的复音合成器,这个合成器是 1978 年的 4 声复音。这些声音可以被同步以创建一个丰富的 4 osc 单声道声音,并已被著名的行为所使用作为汽车,杜兰杜兰,简单的思想,万吉利斯和肉节拍宣言。对于这个合成器,我们对振荡器部分进行了深度采样,以尽可能与样本复制硬件使用。振荡器部分的每个位置都经过多重采样,库中的每个声音都在使用和不使用硬件统一和硬件合奏效果的情况下被捕获,提供了令人难以置信的丰富和真实的声音。



这款 12 振荡器、6 声部模拟复音合成器是一款真正的老式宝石,可以创造出非常厚实的声音 – 鼓垫和无人机梦想机器。该仪器于 1983 年首次亮相,已被 The Prodigy、Crystal Method、Chemical Brothers、Devo、Tangerine Dream、Human League 和 Orbital 等著名公司使用。全面的采样为所有预设提供了两个统一设置,让您可以创建从调制无人机到翻录低音的各种声音。



这是有史以来最具标志性的模拟合成器之一,也是品牌的旗舰产品,它具有 8 声部的 16 振荡器合成器,具有交叉调制、同步、PWM、一个 HPF、可变 LPF、一个 LFO 和两个 EG。令人难以置信的和弦同音模式允许将所有 16 个振荡器叠加在一个音符上!我们捕获了所有内容,无论有没有硬件统一,为您提供令人难以置信的强大模拟声音目录。



我们 Saturn-6 的扩展机架安装兄弟,这个 16 振荡器 8 声部超级合成器配备了全模拟 VCO 和一个低升压电路。能够复制其键盘对应的许多声音,这种合成器不仅仅是一种机架式改编,而是一种具有自身特点和优势的独特乐器。由于其友好的外形,这些在当天的需求量很大,在巡演中很受欢迎,但在工作室中同样有效,被 Tangerine Dream、Herbie Hancock、Vangelis、John Carpenter、Talk Talk 和 Madonna 等演员广泛使用。我们在使用和不使用硬件一致性的情况下捕获了每一种声音,包括许多独特而鼓舞人心的音调。


•4 instruments explore the sounds of an iconic Japanese moniker
•800+ presets deliver the authentic analog sounds of real hardware
•Rich and charactered sounds, customizable sample-based instruments

One of the most iconic names in the synth world gets the UVI treatment! These instruments need no introduction, hen’s tooth synths from the peak of the analog age some fetching upwards of $15,000+ at auction. We’ve taken 4 of our favorite instruments from this lineage, serviced them and made a deep-dive into sound design – creating a massive collection of 827 new patches putting all the analog mojo of these synths right into your DAW with the consistent quality you’ve come to expect from UVI.

With JP Legacy you have unprecedented access to the actual hardware sounds of these instruments, no emulations here. Every sound was deeply multisampled, multiple times, giving you access to features like hardware unison and ensemble at the press of a button. A rich and authentic sound bristling with the warmth of vintage hardware, JP Legacy represents hundreds of hours of expertly-crafted sounds totalling 827 presets built on 80,000+ samples delivering professional hardware results with software ease-of-use.
All sounds in JP Legacy are fully editable and come neatly wrapped in hardware-inspired interfaces, giving you the real feel of the synths as you tweak and perform. Included presets cover the full gamut of types and styles, including plenty of bread and butter patches, vintage classics and modern staples. Quickly browse through categories, audition presets, then edit, layer and even completely transform sounds to suit your needs, all with the genuine warmth, character and grit of real analog circuits.

The first under the moniker and the first self-contained polyphonic synth under the brand, this synth is a 4-voice poly from 1978. The voices can be synced to create a meaty 4-osc monophonic sound and has been famously used by acts such as the Cars, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, Vangelis and Meat Beat Manifesto. For this synth we deeply-sampled the oscillator section to replicate the hardware use as closely as possible with samples. Every position of the oscillator section was multisampled, and every sound in the library was captured with and without the hardware unison and hardware ensemble effect providing an incredibly rich and authentic sound.
A true vintage gem, this 12-oscillator, 6-voice analog polysynth can create massively thick sounds – a pad and drone dream machine. Debuting in 1983 this instrument has been famously used by The Prodigy, Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Devo, Tangerine Dream, Human League and Orbital among others. A comprehensive sampling provides two unison settings for all presets allowing you to create a wide variety of sounds from modulating drones to ripping basses.
One of the most iconic analog synthesizers ever produced, and the brands flagship, this featured synth sports 16-oscillators on 8-voices with cross-modulation, sync, PWM, an HPF, variable LPF, an LFO and two EGs. An incredible polyphonic unison mode allows all 16 oscillators to be stacked on a single note! We captured everything, with and without the hardware unison, giving you an incredible catalog of powerful analog sounds.
The expanded rackmount brother of our Saturn-6, this 16-oscillator 8-voice super-synth came equipped with fully-analog VCOs and a low boost circuit. Able to replicate many sounds of its keyboard counterpart, this synth wasn’t simply a rackmount adaptation but a unique instrument with its own character and strengths. Due to its friendly form factor these were in high demand in the day, popular on tours but equally potent in the studio, used extensively by acts like Tangerine Dream, Herbie Hancock, Vangelis, John Carpenter, Talk Talk, and Madonna. We captured every sound with and without the hardware unison including many unique and inspiring tones.