Sonuscore Origins vol. 8: Fado Guitar & Cavaquinho KONTAKT - 笛子音源网


构成葡萄牙和拉丁美洲音乐基础的两种弦乐器,尤其是法多吉他和卡瓦昆霍,也出现在世界各地的风格中。它们构成了 ORIGINS VOL 的美丽而引人注目的一对。 8个传统的字符串插件。 cavaquinho 欢快的弹奏构成了一张完美的床,上面躺着 fado 吉他的深情旋律。

传统上在科英布拉和里斯本的黑暗城市广场上演出,fado 总是伴随着这把特殊而永恒的琵琶吉他的金属弹拨和优美的滑音。也被称为葡萄牙吉他,它有十二根成对的钢弦。它源于古老的中世纪音乐,由行吟诗人和流浪音乐家演奏,传播到剧院和小酒馆,现在不仅在葡萄牙而且在整个南美洲使用。

Cavaquinho 是整个小型弹奏乐器家族的母亲。它为世界带来了尤克里里琴,并且仍然是拉丁美洲歌曲的主要带来欢乐和节奏的人,特别是在巴西和委内瑞拉,并且在桑巴和合唱音乐中非常重要。它由葡萄牙人传入巴西,并从那里传到世界各地,成为佛得角到夏威夷的岛屿文化中的瑰宝。

最佳实践提示 #1
对于这个传统的弦乐插件,Multi-Arpeggio-Designer (MAD) 在您的键盘上演奏和弦、旋律或进行时提供了美妙的二重奏表演。

最佳实践技巧 #2
使用 Cavaquinho 演奏重音、有节奏的序列,添加 Fado 吉他的轻金属音调,让两种乐器一起跳舞。 Fado Guitar 提供从打击乐音色到悠扬的弹拨等多种效果!使用更有力量和节奏感的 Cavaquinho 将它们围起来。

起源卷。 8: FADO GUITAR & CAVAQUINHO 的设计以易用性为核心。单独使用这些乐器,或者通过将它们组合在一起来解锁二重奏的全部荣耀。


12 种独立的色彩预设为塑造您的声音提供了更多可能性。所有颜色的特性都截然不同,并包含各种效果设置和多种脉冲响应。虽然每个 MAD-Preset 都有指定的颜色,但您可以随意组合所有内容,从而产生超过 1000 种预定义组合。

Multi-Arpeggio-Designer 是每个 ORIGINS 乐器的核心。两个完全可定制的琶音器通过结合两种民族弦乐器的独特音色来创建互锁模式和广阔的音景。该引擎旨在传达具有音乐意义的人类表演,而不是计算机随机对齐音符。
加载 80 多个鼓舞人心的预设之一,或根据需要创建自己的琶音。 MAD 提供各种不同的功能和控制来实现您的音乐愿景。

您是否创建了自己的巧妙琶音设计并想将其与其他 ORIGINS 产品一起使用?只需复制并粘贴您的设计,即可在 ORIGINS 系列的任何其他乐器中即时使用。

– 两种可单独演奏的乐器
– 创新的多琶音设计器 (MAD)
– 80 个节奏预设
– 12 种独特的颜色设置
– 完全自定义所有控件

需要 Native Instruments 的 KONTAKT 6.6.1 或更高版本的完整版本。


Two string instruments that form the basis for Portuguese and Latin American music, the fado guitar and cavaquinho especially are also featured in styles across the world. They form a beautiful and compelling pair for the ORIGINS VOL. 8 traditional strings plugin. The cheerful strums of the cavaquinho make for the perfect bed upon which lie the soulful melodies of the fado guitar.

Fado Guitar
Traditionally performed in the dark city squares of Coimbra and Lisbon, fado is always accompanied by the metallic plucks and graceful slides of this special and timeless lute guitar. Also known as the Portuguese guitar, it has twelve steel strings set in pairs. With roots in old medieval music, it was played by troubadours and wandering musicians alike, spreading to the theater and taverns alike and now used not only in Portugal but across South America.

Cavaquinho is the mother of a whole family of smaller-sized strumming instruments. It brought to the world the ukulele, and still serves as the primary bringer of joy and rhythm in songs across Latin America, especially in Brazil and Venezuela and very important in samba and choro music. It was introduced to Brazil by the Portuguese, and from there reached across the world, becoming a treasure in island cultures from Cape Verde to Hawaii.

Best Practice Tip #1
For this traditional strings plugin, the Multi-Arpeggio-Designer (MAD) gives a wonderful duet performance when playing chords, melodies or progressions on your keyboard.

Best Practice Tip #2
Play accented, rhythmic sequences with the Cavaquinho, adding the light metallic chime of the Fado Guitar, letting both instruments dance together. The Fado Guitar offers a wide variety of effects from percussive timbres to melodious plucks and more! Round them up using the more empowering and rhythmic Cavaquinho.

ORIGINS VOL. 8: FADO GUITAR & CAVAQUINHO is designed with easy usability at heart. Use the instruments individually, or unlock the full glory of the duet by joining them together.

Take a journey across the world and sail from Brazil to Hawaii, carving the exact sound of your dreams with this exclusive pair of ethnic string instruments.

The 12 individual color-presets provide even more possibilities to sculpt your sound. All colors are radically different in character and incorporate various effect settings and multiple impulse responses. While each MAD-Preset has an assigned color, you can combine everything at will, resulting in over 1000 predefined combinations.

The Multi-Arpeggio-Designer is the centerpiece of every ORIGINS instrument. Two fully customizable arpeggiators create interlocking patterns and broad soundscapes by combining the unique timbres of the two ethnic strings instruments. The engine is designed to convey a musically meaningful, human performance, instead of a computer randomly aligning notes.
Load up one of 80+ inspiring presets or create your own arpeggios in as much detail as you like. The MAD provides a variety of different features and controls to realize your musical vision.

Have you created your own ingenious arpeggio design and want to use it with another ORIGINS product? Simply copy and paste your design to use it on-the-fly in any other instrument of the ORIGINS series.

– Two individually playable instruments
– Innovative Multi-Arpeggio-Designer (MAD)
– 80 rhythm presets
– 12 unique color settings
– Full customization of all controls

FULL VERSION of Native Instruments’ KONTAKT Version 6.6.1 or higher is required.
