Overloud TH-U review | Guitar World

bobdule | 17 March 2022 | 1.4 GB

TH-U Premium 是 Overloud 屡获殊荣的旗舰吉他放大器模拟软件的全新版本。 TH-U 拥有 239 种型号,是世界上最大的单一包装系列,包含不少于 1000 个预设,涵盖所有音乐风格。

89 个吉他放大器和 4 个贝斯放大器。查看完整型号列表…
77 种踏板和机架效果
18 种麦克风型号,每个机柜最多有 4 个麦克风
每月超过 1000 个预设,涵盖所有音乐风格 + 免费预设!看他们…
Randall®、DVmark®、Brunetti® 和 THD® 授权型号经原制造商认可
Amp Tweak 技术,允许您通过更改前置放大器和功率放大器管模型以及模拟自耦变压器的动作来调制放大器
装备播放器(带有 20 个工厂装备),允许您重现通过捕捉真实设置创建的装备模型
麦克风的 3D 无间隙定位和房间模拟
采用 ReSPIRe 2 技术的高级箱体仿真
内置卷积器可加载外部吉他箱 IR
完全可定制的 MIDI 控制以供现场使用
基于 BREVERB 和 SpringAge 的混响效果
完全兼容 TH3 用户预设
来自世界上最大的图书馆的 8000 多个捕获的钻机!
提供移动版。见 TH-U iOS…
v1.4 SuperCabinet 中的新功能,革命性的 IR 处理器,包括在内
v1.3 中的新场景允许立即调用预设中的不同模型配置。
v1.3 中的新功能 具有流体卷积的增强机柜模块
v1.3 中的新功能 双红外加载器集成到机柜模块中

TH-U 包括由原始制造商 Randall®、Brunetti®、DVmark® 和 THD® 批准的 45 种型号

TH-U Premium 许可证包括革命性的 IR 处理器 SuperCabinet,它基于 Overloud 的流体卷积技术,允许以前所未有的方式创建箱体音调。

TH-U 是第一款同时包含放大器建模和捕获技术的放大器模拟器。
装备模型是根据真实设置创建的:Overloud 专有技术使我们的工程师能够捕捉整个装备的响应,包括放大器、箱体、麦克风、麦克风前置放大器和房间声音的非线性和动态响应。
集成到 TH-U 中的 Rig Player 允许您重现采样钻机的任何细微差别并组合不同设置的模型。

感谢 bobdule 提供版本


TH-U Premium is the colossal new version of Overloud’s multi-award winning flagship Guitar Amp Simulation software. With a massive 239 models, TH-U is the world’s largest collection in a single package featuring no less than 1000 presets covering all musical styles.

239 models! Get the world’s largest collection into your computer and mobile device
Includes both the amp modeling and the amp capturing technology
89 guitar amplifiers and 4 bass amplifiers. See full model list…
50 guitar cabinets and 2 bass cabinets
77 pedal and rack effects
18 microphone models, with up to four mics on each cabinet
More than 1000 presets covering all musical styles + FREE PRESETS every month! See them…
Randall®, DVmark®, Brunetti® and THD® authorized models approved by the original manufacturers
Amp Tweak technology, allows you to mod the amplifiers by changing the preamp and poweramp tube models, as well as simulating the action of a variac
Rig Player (with 20 factory rigs), allows you to reproduce rig models created by capturing real setups
One entire preset bank dedicated to bass.
4th generation analog emulation technology, with proprietary nonlinear processing algorithm
3D, gap-less positioning of microphones and room simulation
Advanced cabinet emulations with ReSPiRe 2 technology
Built-in convolver to load external guitar cab IRs
Flexible sound chain with split point for parallel processing
Fully customizable MIDI control for live usage
BREVERB and SpringAge based reverb effects
Full compatibility with TH3 user presets
More than 8000 captured rigs, from the world’s largest library!
Mobile version available. See TH-U iOS…
NEW in v1.4 SuperCabinet, revolutionary IR processor, included
NEW in v1.3 Scenes allow to instantly recall different models configurations in the preset.
NEW in v1.3 Enhanced cabinet module with Fluid Convolution
NEW in v1.3 Double IR Loader integrated into the cabinet module

TH-U includes 45 models approved by original manufacturers Randall®, Brunetti®, DVmark® and THD®

The TH-U Premium license includes the SuperCabinet, the revolutionary IR processor, based on Overloud’s Fluid Convolution Technology, which allows to create cabinet tones in a way that has never been possible before.

TH-U is the first amp simulator which includes both the amp modeling and capturing technologies.
The Rig Models are created from real setups: the Overloud proprietary technology allows our engineers to capture the response of an entire rig, including the nonlinear and dynamic response of the amplifier, the cabinet, the microphones, the mic preamplifier and the room sound.
The Rig Player, integrated into TH-U, allows you to reproduce any nuance of the sampled rigs and to combine the models of different setups.

Thanks to bobdule for supplying the release
