Natura - Sampled Analog

MAC – 1,65 GB | WiN – 1,55 GB

Natura – 模拟采样 VST 将帮助您获得您正在寻找的模拟声音!

Natura 是一种模拟采样仪器。我们采样了多个模拟合成器以创建 50 个独特的补丁 + 10 个形状补丁。您可以将这些 Patch 中的任何一个加载到 4 个采样器引擎中的 1 个中,从而允许您一次堆叠和播放 4 个样本。这给了我们 4 种完全不同的音调。然后我们将 4 种音色混合在一起,为您带来一些独特的模拟组合!

借助 Natura 轻巧且易于使用的界面,您可以轻松找到预设或完全创建自己的声音。考虑到简化您的制作,我们保持一切,好,简单! Minimal FX 允许您使用您已经熟悉的 FX(让我们面对现实吧,无论如何我们都会这样做),快速完全控制每个 Banjo 并轻松浏览预设!

– 左:预设浏览器
在这里,您将找到所有预设浏览器。轻松浏览 100 个出厂预设。

– 中:采样器调整

– 右:FX 调整

Natura 是一个轻量级,像重量级一样打击!我们想说的是它使用最少的 CPU,但仍然有很大的冲击力。通过快速、简单和无痛的安装(感谢我们易于遵循的安装指南),您将立即创造出新鲜的东西!让我们都尝试创造一些新的东西,一些原创的东西,一些特别的东西。我们希望 Natura 可以帮助您实现这一目标!


Simple & Unique Analog Sounds.
The Natura – Analog Sampled VST will help you get the Analog Sounds you’re looking for!

Natura is an Analog Sampled Instrument. We sampled multiple Analog Synths to create 50 Unique Patches + 10 Shape Patches. You can load any of these patches into 1 of 4 Sampler Engines allowing you to stack and play 4 samples at once. This gives us 4 totally different Tones. We then blend the 4 Tones together to bring you some Unique Analog Combinations!

With Natura’s light & easy-to-use interface, you will have no problems finding a preset or creating your own sounds altogether. With streamlining your productions in mind, we kept everything, well, simple! Minimal FX allows you to use the FX you’re already familiar with (let’s face it, we all do anyway), quickly have full control over each Banjo & easily browse presets!

The interface has 3 main sections:
– Left: Preset Browser
Here you will find all of your Preset Browser. Easily browse 100 Factory Presets.

– Middle: Sampler Adjustments
This section contains the Sampler Engines for your Analog Instruments. Quickly choose & edit your samples to create the sound you’re looking for.

– Right: FX Adjustments
Using simple sound design techniques, quickly shape and adjust your sound. This section also includes a Noise Generator that can play multiple Tape & Vinyl sounds.

Natura is a Lightweight that hits like a Heavyweight! What we’re trying to say is it uses minimal CPU but still packs a big punch. With a quick, easy & painless install (thanks to our easy to follow Install Guide), you will be creating something fresh in no time! Let’s all try to create something new, something original, something SPECIAL. We hope Natura can help you accomplish this!
