
File size: 35 MB

DrumSynth 是一款革命性的合成器鼓机插件乐器,用于强大的鼓声设计。 享受从头开始创建和塑造令人惊叹的鼓声的能力,通过大量的声音塑造和音频效果处理器运行它们,然后保存到您的自定义用户预设集合中,使您能够快速构建您的个人自定义打击乐纹理集合 .

* 构建和设计任何合成鼓声
* 52 个鼓舞人心的预设套件,从经典到全新创作
* 强大的声音发生器由全新的 FM 合成、模拟和物理建模以及基于样本的算法驱动
* 8 个单独的引擎:Kick、Snare、Clap、Percussion、Tom、Crash、Hi-Hat 和 Ride
* 声音整形 FX,包括瞬态整形器、调音、EQ、压缩、延迟、混响等
* 独立控制的专用调音台
* 经典的“一次性”功能


DrumSynth is a revolutionary synthesizer drum machine plugin instrument for powerful drum sound design. Enjoy the power to create and sculpt amazing drum sounds from the ground up, run them through a multitude of sound-shaping and audio effects processors then save to your collection of custom user presets, empowering you to quickly build your personal collection of customized percussive textures.

* Build and design any synthesized drum sound
* 52 inspiring preset kits from classics to new creations
* Powerful sound generators driven by completely new FM synthesis, analog and physical modeling, and sample-based algorithms
* 8 Individual Engines: Kick, Snare, Clap, Percussion, Tom, Crash, Hi-Hat, and Ride
* Sound-shaping FX including transient shaper, tuning, EQ, compression, delay, reverb and more
* Dedicated mixer with independent controls
* Classic ‘one-shot’ feature


