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鼓、节奏和打击乐构成了歌曲的核心和心跳,帮助音乐挖掘我们的原始自我,并为旋律和歌词提供了一个锚点。 50 多年来,电子鼓机一直在帮助提供这种心跳,它们的影响力和独特的声音特征可以在从迪斯科和流行音乐到 EDM 和嘻哈的所有音乐流派中找到。

BERSERK v2.2.1 – 回响贝斯节拍
CIRCUITS v2.2.1 – 模拟鼓机梦想
DOPE v2.2.1 – 90 年代嘻哈鼓机
EDEN v2.2.1 – 泵送 EDM 轨道
GLORY v2.2.1 – 陷阱? 流行音乐? 两个都!
HUSTLE v2.2.1 – 用于低音音乐的鼓
HYPE v2.2.1 – 创建巨大的节日歌曲
IDOL v2.2.1 – 即时韩国流行音乐热门歌曲
KANDY v2.2.1 – 甜美而前卫的鼓
NEMESIS v2.2.1 – 赛博朋克节拍
RICO v2.2.1 – 雷鬼节奏
VICE v2.2.1 – 罪恶的乐趣
VOID v2.2.1 – 创建完整的 DnB 节奏


Drums, beats and percussion constitute the core and heartbeat of a song, helping the music tap into our primal selves and providing an anchor for the melodies and lyrics to hang from. Electronic drum machines have been helping to provide this heartbeat for over 50 years and their influence and unique sonic signature can be found across all genres of music from disco and pop to EDM and hip-hop.

BERSERK v2.2.1 – Dubstep Beats
CIRCUITS v2.2.1 – Analog Drum Machine Dreams
DOPE v2.2.1 – 90’s hip hop drum machine
EDEN v2.2.1 – Pumping EDM tracks
GLORY v2.2.1 – Trap? Pop? Both!
HUSTLE v2.2.1 – Drums for pumping bass music
HYPE v2.2.1 – Create huge festival anthems
IDOL v2.2.1 – Instant K-Pop hits
KANDY v2.2.1 – Sweet & edgy drums
NEMESIS v2.2.1 – Cyberpunk beats
RICO v2.2.1 – Reggaeton Rhythms
VICE v2.2.1 – Guilty pleasures
VOID v2.2.1 – Create full DnB rhythms


