[脉冲响应动态箱体模拟插件] Bogren Digital MLC S_Zero 100 V1.0.961 Patched [WiN](435.02MB)插图

Team XAIR | 3 October 2023 | 435.02MB

Bogren Digital发布采用IRDX技术的功放模拟插件:MLC Subzero 100

Bogren Digital 宣布推出其产品系列中首款采用 IRDX 技术的功放模拟插件,据称该技术可为扬声器箱体模拟增加前所未有的动态和谐波细节。MLC Subzero 100 模拟的是 Mark L Custom Guitar Electronics 手工制作的同名吉他音箱,该音箱以音色丰富、细腻而闻名。

与硬件插件一样,该插件配备了三个通道,每个通道都能提供截然不同的音色,并辅以一系列实用的音色塑造控制。通道1可提供从闪亮的清音到经典的电子管超载等各种音色,而通道2则可提供更具英伦风格的清脆声音,并具有前卫的中频特性。通道 3 则提供更具侵略性的高增益特点声音,但不会牺牲清晰度。原版放大器允许用户在每个通道的 6L6 和 EL34 功率放大器开关之间切换,这一功能在这里以软件形式复制。


Lay down your guitar tracks with one of the most exclusive, high-quality guitar amps available today. Modeled using groundbreaking new technology and sound designed by Jens Bogren, the MLC S_Zero 100 plugin is a sonic powerhouse that genuinely stands out from the crowd of digital amp simulations.

Multi-faceted, lifelike, and endlessly inspiring. Use the S_Zero 100 to craft the guitar tones your songs deserve.

– Tooltips translated to: 🇪🇸 Spanish, 🇩🇪 German, 🇫🇷 French, 🇯🇵 Japanese, 🇧🇷 Portuguese , and 🇵🇱 Polish.
– Presets by Nicole Papastavrou (Kallias), and Ian Waye (Soreption)
– Minor bug fixes and improvements.
The amp also has a sexy new name: MLC S_Zero 100, which is reflected in the updated graphic interface.
It’s still the same amp with the same, great sound!

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