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70 年代鼓冠军 – 适合干复古美学
进入 70 年代偶像的工作室,他们创新了干鼓声音。 这位有力的鼓手以温暖、复古的感觉贯穿混音。 为清漆节拍和原始果酱等定制图例。

690 个可播放的各种风格的 MIDI 乐句

MIDI 拖放和直接 MIDI 输出以进行自定义调整

5 个鼓组,具有 6 种混音预设美学,可微调您的声音

特殊的“灰尘”和“颜色”FX 控制可改变拾音技术


‘70s Drum Champion – For a dry vintage aesthetic
Enter the studio of the ‘70s icons who innovated the dry drum sound. This punchy drummer cuts through mixes with a warm, retro feel. Customize LEGEND for varnished beats and raw jams alike.

Break ground
690 playable MIDI phrases in various styles

MIDI Drag-and-Drop and direct MIDI out for custom tweaking

5 Drum Kits with 6 Mix Preset aesthetics to fine-tune your sound

Special ‘Dust’ and ‘Color’ FX controls to alter miking technique


