
Sonible smartlimit v1.0.1-RET
Team RET | 30 Dec 2021 | 16.0MB

内容感知限制器 – 让响度和动态保持

直接的“设置 – 检查 – 发布”

smart:limit 就是无忧限制:它的智能处理将保留您曲目的细节,并提供透明、不妥协的限制质量。借助 smart:limit 广泛的响度和动态监控,您无需使用任何额外的计量插件。除了实时为您提供所有必要的响度信息以确保发布时,smart:limit 还会指导您达到流媒体平台的安全区要求或响度标准——并通过交互式质量检查提示为您提供反馈。

使用 smart:limit 加快您的工作流程。该插件分析您的信号并找到让您的混音呼吸的限制参数 – 只需几秒钟。通过选择适合您的组合的基于流派的配置文件,您可以为不同的限制特征设置 smart:limit。或者,如果您的目标是特定的限制风格,请上传参考曲目。您可以使用带有或不带有自动参数化功能的 smart:limit – 或者两者结合使用。


扩展响度监控部分以访问有关响度和动态的广泛信息中心:在这里您可以找到所有相关的响度读数、关于不同发布目标的视觉指导以及关于您的曲目动态的信息。借助革命性的即时影响预测功能,您无需在每次更改参数时都重新开始响度测量 – 更改将实时反映,而无需重复播放整个输入信号。

Vibe 在细节中

当您的声音需要一点额外的氛围时,smart:limit 可以满足您的需求。使用风格拨盘在软或硬限制风格之间自由选择。使用饱和度来添加一些微妙的温暖或真正放大您的信号。在发布之前调整 Balance 为您的曲目提供完美的频谱润色,并调整低音控制以获得丰富而紧凑的低端。

The content-aware limiter – Keeping Loudness and Dynamics in tune
smart:limit delivers limiter settings that let your mix breathe and gives you all the loudness and dynamics info you need for confident publishing.

Combining what belongs together
Straightforward “set – check – publish”
smart:limit is all about worry-free limiting: Its intelligent processing will preserve the detail of your track and provide a transparent, uncompromised limiting quality. With smart:limit’s extensive loudness and dynamics monitoring, you won’t have to use any additional metering plug-ins. Besides providing you with all the necessary loudness information in real-time for confident publishing, smart:limit guides you towards hitting the safe zone requirements of streaming platforms or loudness standards – and gives you feedback via interactive Quality Check hints.

Transparent sound with just one click
AI-powered parametrization for confident limiting
Speed up your workflow with smart:limit. The plug-in analyzes your signal and finds limiting parameters that let your mix breathe – all in just a few seconds. By choosing a genre-based profile that fits your mix, you can prime the smart:limit for different limiting characteristics. Or instead, upload a reference track, if you are aiming for a specific limiting style. You can use smart:limit with or without the automatic parametrization – or go for a combination of both.

Everything under control in real-time
All the information you need

Extend the Loudness Monitoring section to access an extensive information hub on loudness and dynamics: Here you will find all relevant loudness readouts, visual guidance regarding different publishing targets and information on the dynamics of your track. With the revolutionary Instant Impact Prediction feature you won’t have to restart the loudness measurements every time you change a parameter – the change will be reflected in real-time without having to repeatedly play back the entire input signal.
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Vibe is in the detail
Shape your sound to perfection

When your sound is in need of a little bit of extra vibe, smart:limit has got you covered. Use the Style dial to freely choose between either a soft or hard limiting style. Play with Saturation to add some subtle warmth or to really inflate your signal. Adapt the Balance to give your track that perfect spectral polish prior to publishing and tweak the Bass Control for a rich and compact low end.

Home Page – https://www.sonible.com/smartlimit/
