
软件格式:PC,VST, VST3, AAX x64;MAC, VST, VST3, AU X64

iZotope 正式发布了 VocalSynth 2 和新的 Creative Suite 套装。VocalSynth 2 的亮点就是加入了一个相当有趣的全新模组 —— Biovox,这个模组能够模拟人体声道的物理反馈,帮助你更好对人声音色进行调制。

Biovox 很酷,同时它的使用方法相当简单 —— 共有 4 个旋钮,控制音调和声音修正,同时这个模块还有一个看上去非常外星的图像反馈。

除了 Biovox,VocalSynth 2 也根据用户的需求进行了一些改进,比如效果器可以直接被拖拽到录音机上,并且可以按照自己的喜好进行串联。另外新版本还加入了两个全新的模块 —— Chorus 合唱和 Ring Modulator 环形调制,用户可以用环形调制实现颤音的效果。

同时 VocalSynth 2 在新版本中开启了所有内置模组的高级参数控制,比如声码器的带宽控制、振荡器预设、声像和滤波。除此之外新版本还加入了 Neutron 2  Masking Meter 表头、图像 Mixer、Tonal Balance Control 工具。

随着 VocalSynth 2 上线,iZotope 为声音设计师推出了 Creative Suite 套装,包含 VocalSynth 2, Iris 2, Trash 2 Expanded, BreakTweaker Expanded, Stutter Edit, DDLY 和 Mobius Filter,

VocalSynth 是有史以来第一个汇集了 4 个高级歌声引擎的插件:Vocoder(声码器)、Polyvoice、Compuvox 和 Talkbox,以及专门的歌声效果和音高修正。这个独特的工具构成开启了歌声革命新鲜潜在性:可以混合模块解锁前所未有的声音,然后基于风格的预设确保了经典歌声只需几步点击。

受到几十年来歌声效果器的启发,从 Peter Frampton 到 Beastie Boys 再到 Daft Punk,iZotope 今天宣布发布 VocalSynth,一款新的针对音乐制作人和声音设计师所寻求的特色歌声的创意插件。

VocalSynth 是有史以来第一个汇集了 4 个高级歌声引擎的插件:Vocoder(声码器)、Polyvoice、Compuvox 和 Talkbox,以及专门的歌声效果和音高修正。这个独特的工具构成开启了歌声革命新鲜潜在性:可以混合模块解锁前所未有的声音,然后基于风格的预设确保了经典歌声只需几步点击。

两次获得格莱美奖的录音制作人 Focus 说:“我喜欢操纵声音。这是我的方向你懂得。我在开始通过 VocalSynth 播放之后,我就惊呆了。我用了很多我制作的歌声片段,这个插件可以给用户更多色彩调节,更多的关注声音操纵。这个插件令我乐此不疲…”

iZotope 的产品经理 Matt Hines 说:

“当我决定制作一个新的歌声产品的时候,我从过去和现在找灵感,我们罗列了一个我们敬仰的歌声产品列表。我们的梦想是做一个放置这些复杂声音到里面但是对于任意音乐制作人又简单触手可及的产品,然后还按其可能性制作了未来感的声音。我们迫不及待的想听到大家是如何通过 VocalSynth 发现他们的声音的。”

VocalSynth 特点

4 个高级歌声引擎:使用语音作为基础,适用于机械人声(Vocoder),自然谐波(Polyvoice),脉冲数字语音(Compuvox),以及歌声合成声音(Talkbox)。
高效的语音产生:轻松添加谐波,八度,或自动模式齐奏,或者插入一个 MIDI 控制器驱动 VocalSynth 产生和声。
预设跨越多种风格:快速访问那些知名让人喜欢的经典的声音,外加出色的所有 4 个歌声引擎的组合声音。

Elevate your vocal productions with iZotope’s most unique plug-in experience for vocals. Quickly get old-school sounds you need, or create a new school of vocal sounds. Get lost in layers, textures, effects, blending, and morphing in an experimental vocal playground, and finally find that secret something that makes your vocals stand out. Choose and meld five unique vocal tools, or pick from hundreds of presets for quick impact.

What’s New in VocalSynth 2
Amazing sounds right out of the box
VocalSynth has been reimagined to get you a better sound, faster than ever. With improvements across nearly every aspect of the plug-in, you’ll have no trouble finding your unique sound, no matter your chosen genre!


Why limit yourself to a vocal? In this example, we used Shred to add an exciting stutter effect to this accoustic guitar part, giving the prechorus of this song a frenetic feel.

5 blendable, creative vocal modules


Using scientific modeling of a human vocal tract, adjust human vocal characteristics like nasality, vowel shapes, and formants for a smooth, textural vocal treatment to any audio signal.

7 stompbox-style effects
Further enhance your production with a custom drag-and-drop vocal effects chain. VocalSynth 2’s effects section now lets you change the order of the modules!


Great for adding subtle overdrive, gnarly grit, or high-gain distortion!

Interactive visualization
Meet the Anemone, VocalSynth 2’s colorful animation that moves and grows with the shape of your audio signal. Driven by an advanced spectral analysis that reacts to the sonic characteristic of vowels, the Anemone blends fun interaction with a unique metering experience.

Inter-plugin Communication
VocalSynth 2 works within the ecosystem of iZotope products through inter-plugin communication. Like Neutron, Ozone, and Tonal Balance Control, VocalSynth 2 allows seamless integration with essential tools for music production and analysis. VocalSynth 2 can be seen within Neutron 2’s Visual Mixer and Masking Meter and also within Tonal Balance Control, allowing you to interact and get visual feedback in real time.
